Source code for empyre.vis.decorators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 by Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
# Author: J. Caron
"""This module provides functions that decorate exisiting `matplotlib` plots."""

import logging
from import Iterable

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patheffects
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from matplotlib.offsetbox import TextArea, AnchoredOffsetbox
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import AnchoredSizeBar
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes

from . import colors
from .tools import use_style
from ..fields.field import Field

__all__ = ['scalebar', 'colorwheel', 'annotate', 'quiverkey', 'coords', 'colorbar']

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def scalebar(axis=None, unit='nm', loc='lower left', **kwargs): """Add a scalebar to the axis. Parameters ---------- axis : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot`, optional Axis to which the scalebar is added, by default None, which will pick the last used axis via `gca`. unit: str, optional String that determines the unit of the scalebar, defaults to 'nm'. loc : str or pair of floats, optional The location of the scalebar, defaults to 'lower left'. See `matplotlib.legend` for possible settings. Returns ------- aoffbox : :class:`~matplotlib.offsetbox.AnchoredOffsetbox` The box containing the scalebar. Notes ----- Additional kwargs are passed to `mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists.AnchoredSizeBar`. """ _log.debug('Calling scalebar') if axis is None: # If no axis is set, find the current or create a new one: axis = plt.gca() # Transform axis borders (1, 1) to data borders to get number of pixels in y and x: transform = axis.transData bb0 = axis.transLimits.inverted().transform((0, 0)) bb1 = axis.transLimits.inverted().transform((1, 1)) data_extent = (int(abs(bb1[1] - bb0[1])), int(abs(bb1[0] - bb0[0]))) # Calculate bar length: bar_length = data_extent[1] / 4 # 25% of the data width! thresholds = [1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000] for t in thresholds: # For larger grids (real images), multiples of threshold look better! if bar_length > t: # Round down to the next lowest multiple of t: bar_length = (bar_length // t) * t # Set parameters for scale bar: label = f'{bar_length:g} {unit}' # Set defaults: kwargs.setdefault('borderpad', 0.2) kwargs.setdefault('pad', 0.2) kwargs.setdefault('sep', 5) kwargs.setdefault('color', 'w') kwargs.setdefault('size_vertical', data_extent[0]*0.01) kwargs.setdefault('frameon', False) kwargs.setdefault('label_top', True) kwargs.setdefault('fill_bar', True) # Create scale bar: scalebar = AnchoredSizeBar(transform, bar_length, label, loc, **kwargs) scalebar.txt_label._text._color = 'w' # Overwrite AnchoredSizeBar color! # Set stroke patheffect: effect_txt = [patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k')] scalebar.txt_label._text.set_path_effects(effect_txt) effect_bar = [patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=3, foreground='k')] scalebar.size_bar._children[0].set_path_effects(effect_bar) # Add scale bar to axis and return: axis.add_artist(scalebar) return scalebar
[docs]def colorwheel(axis=None, cmap=None, ax_size='20%', loc='upper right', **kwargs): """Add a colorwheel to the axis on the upper right corner. Parameters ---------- axis : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axis to which the colorwheel is added, by default None, which will pick the last used axis via `gca`. cmap : str or `matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional The Colormap that should be used for the colorwheel, defaults to `None`, which chooses the `.colors.cmaps.cyclic_cubehelix` colormap. Needs to be a :class:`~.colors.Colormap3D` to work correctly. ax_size : str or float, optional String or float determining the size of the inset axis used, defaults to `20%`. loc : str or pair of floats, optional The location of the colorwheel, defaults to 'upper right'. See `matplotlib.legend` for possible settings. Returns ------- axis : :class:`~matplotlib.image.AxesImage` The colorwheel image that was created. Notes ----- Additional kwargs are passed to :class:`~.colors.Colormap3D.plot_colorwheel` of the :class:`~.colors.Colormap3D`. """ _log.debug('Calling colorwheel') if axis is None: # If no axis is set, find the current or create a new one: axis = plt.gca() ins_axes = inset_axes(axis, width=ax_size, height=ax_size, loc=loc) ins_axes.axis('off') if cmap is None: cmap = colors.cmaps.cyclic_cubehelix # Set focus back to parent axis! return cmap.plot_colorwheel(axis=ins_axes, **kwargs)
[docs]def annotate(label, axis=None, loc='upper left'): """Add an annotation to the axis on the upper left corner. Parameters ---------- label : string The text of the annotation. axis : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot`, optional Axis to which the annotation is added, by default None, which will pick the last used axis via `gca`. loc : str or pair of floats, optional The location of the annotation, defaults to 'upper left'. See `matplotlib.legend` for possible settings. Returns ------- aoffbox : :class:`~matplotlib.offsetbox.AnchoredOffsetbox` The box containing the annotation. """ _log.debug('Calling annotate') if axis is None: # If no axis is set, find the current or create a new one: axis = plt.gca() # Create text: txt = TextArea(label, textprops={'color': 'w'}) txt.set_clip_box(axis.bbox) txt._text.set_path_effects([patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k')]) # Pack into and add AnchoredOffsetBox: aoffbox = AnchoredOffsetbox(loc=loc, pad=0.5, borderpad=0.1, child=txt, frameon=False) axis.add_artist(aoffbox) return aoffbox
[docs]def quiverkey(quiv, field, axis=None, unit='', loc='lower right', **kwargs): """Add a quiver key to an axis. Parameters ---------- quiv : Quiver instance The quiver instance returned by a call to quiver. field : `Field` or ndarray The vector data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=True` and `scale=1.0` are assumed). axis : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot`, optional Axis to which the quiverkey is added, by default None, which will pick the last used axis via `gca`. unit: str, optional String that determines the unit of the quiverkey, defaults to ''. loc : str or pair of floats, optional The location of the quiverkey, defaults to 'lower right'. See `matplotlib.legend` for possible settings. Returns ------- qk: Quiverkey The generated quiverkey. Notes ----- Additional kwargs are passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.quiverkey`. """ _log.debug('Calling quiverkey') if axis is None: # If no axis is set, find the current or create a new one: axis = plt.gca() if not isinstance(field, Field): # Try to convert input to Field if it is not already one: field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1.0, vector=True) length = shift = 1 / field.squeeze().dim[1] # equivalent to one pixel distance in axis coords! label = f'{length:.3g} {unit}' if loc in ('upper right', 1): X, Y, labelpos = 0.95-shift, 0.95-shift/4, 'W' elif loc in ('upper left', 2): X, Y, labelpos = 0.05+shift, 0.95-shift/4, 'E' elif loc in ('lower left', 3): X, Y, labelpos = 0.05+shift, 0.05+shift/4, 'E' elif loc in ('lower right', 4): X, Y, labelpos = 0.95-shift, 0.05+shift/4, 'W' else: raise ValueError('Quiverkey can only be placed in one of the corners (number 1 - 4 or associated strings)!') # Set defaults: kwargs.setdefault('coordinates', 'axes') kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'w') kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', 'k') kwargs.setdefault('labelcolor', 'w') kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', 1) kwargs.setdefault('clip_box', axis.bbox) kwargs.setdefault('clip_on', True) # Plot: qk = axis.quiverkey(quiv, X, Y, U=1, label=label, labelpos=labelpos, **kwargs) qk.text.set_path_effects([patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k')]) return qk
[docs]def coords(axis=None, coords=('x', 'y'), loc='lower left', **kwargs): """Add coordinate arrows to an axis. Parameters ---------- axis : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot`, optional Axis to which the coordinates are added, by default None, which will pick the last used axis via `gca`. coords : tuple or int, optional Tuple of strings determining the labels, by default ('x', 'y'). Can also be `2` or `3` which expands to ('x', 'y') or ('x', 'y', 'z'). The length of `coords` determines the number of arrows (2 or 3). loc : str, optional [description], by default 'lower left' Returns ------- ins_axes : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The created inset axes containing the coordinates. """ _log.debug('Calling coords') if axis is None: # If no axis is set, find the current or create a new one: axis = plt.gca() ins_ax = inset_axes(axis, width='5%', height='5%', loc=loc, borderpad=2.2) if coords == 3: coords = ('x', 'y', 'z') elif coords == 2: coords = ('x', 'y') effects = [patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k')] kwargs.setdefault('fc', 'w') kwargs.setdefault('ec', 'k') kwargs.setdefault('head_width', 0.6) kwargs.setdefault('head_length', 0.7) kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', 1) kwargs.setdefault('width', 0.2) if len(coords) == 3: ins_ax.arrow(x=0.5, y=0.5, dx=-1.05, dy=-0.75, clip_on=False, **kwargs) ins_ax.arrow(x=0.5, y=0.5, dx=0.96, dy=-0.75, clip_on=False, **kwargs) ins_ax.arrow(x=0.5, y=0.5, dx=0, dy=1.35, clip_on=False, **kwargs) ins_ax.annotate(coords[0], xy=(0, 0), xytext=(-1.0, 0.3), path_effects=effects, color='w') ins_ax.annotate(coords[1], xy=(0, 0), xytext=(1.7, 0.3), path_effects=effects, color='w') ins_ax.annotate(coords[2], xy=(0, 0), xytext=(0.8, 1.5), path_effects=effects, color='w') ins_ax.add_artist(Circle((0.5, 0.5), 0.12, fc='w', ec='k', linewidth=1, clip_on=False)) elif len(coords) == 2: ins_ax.arrow(x=-0.5, y=-0.5, dx=1.5, dy=0, clip_on=False, **kwargs) ins_ax.arrow(x=-0.5, y=-0.5, dx=0, dy=1.5, clip_on=False, **kwargs) ins_ax.annotate(coords[0], xy=(0, 0), xytext=(1.3, -0.05), path_effects=effects, color='w') ins_ax.annotate(coords[1], xy=(0, 0), xytext=(-0.1, 1.1), path_effects=effects, color='w') ins_ax.add_artist(Circle((-0.5, -0.5), 0.12, fc='w', ec='k', linewidth=1, clip_on=False)) ins_ax.axis('off') return coords
[docs]def colorbar(im, fig=None, cbar_axis=None, axes=None, position='right', pad=0.02, thickness=0.03, label=None, constrain_ticklabels=True, ticks=None, ticklabels=None): """Creates a colorbar, aligned with figure axes. Parameters ---------- im : matplotlib object, mappable Mappable matplotlib object. fig : matplotlib.figure object, optional The figure object that contains the matplotlib axes and artists, by default None, which will pick the last used figure via `gcf`. axes : matplotlib.axes or list of matplotlib.axes The axes object(s), where the colorbar is drawn, by default None, which will pick the last used axis via `gca`. Only provide those axes, which the colorbar should span over. position : str, optional The position defines the location of the colorbar. One of 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or 'right' (default). pad : float, optional Defines the spacing between the axes and colorbar axis. Is given in figure fraction. thickness : float, optional Thickness of the colorbar given in figure fraction. label : string, optional Colorbar label, defaults to None. constrain_ticklabels : bool, optional Allows to slightly shift the outermost ticklabels, such that they do not exceed the cbar axis, defaults to True. ticks : list, np.ndarray, optional List of cbar ticks, defaults to None. ticklabels : list, np.ndarray, optional List of cbar ticklabels, defaults to None. Returns ------- cbar : :class:`~matplotlib.Colorbar` The created colorbar. Notes ----- Based on a modified snippet by Florian Winkler. Note that this function TURNS OFF constrained layout, therefore it should be the final command before finishing or saving a figure. The colorbar will be outside the original bounds of your constructed figure. If you set the size, e.g. with ``, make sure to account for the additional space by setting the `width_scale` to something smaller than 1 (e.g. 0.9). """ _log.debug('Calling colorbar') assert position in ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'), "position has to be 'left', 'right', 'top' or 'bottom'!" if fig is None: # If no figure is set, find the current or create a new one: fig = plt.gcf() fig.canvas.draw() # Trigger a draw so that a potential constrained_layout is executed once! fig.set_constrained_layout(False) # we don't want the layout to change after this point! if axes is None: # If no axis is set, find the current or create a new one: axes = plt.gca() if not isinstance(axes, Iterable): axes = (axes,) # Make sure it is an iterable (e.g. tuple)! # Save previously active axis for later: previous_axis = plt.gca() if cbar_axis is None: # Construct a new cbar_axis: x_coords, y_coords = [], [] # Find bounds of all individual axes: for ax in np.ravel(axes): # ravel needed for arrays of axes: points = ax.get_position().get_points() x_coords.extend(points[:, 0]) y_coords.extend(points[:, 1]) # Find outer bounds of plotting area: left, right = min(x_coords), max(x_coords) bottom, top = min(y_coords), max(y_coords) # Determine where the colorbar will be placed: if position == 'right': bounds = [right+pad, bottom, thickness, top-bottom] elif position == 'left': bounds = [left-pad-thickness, bottom, thickness, top-bottom] if position == 'top': bounds = [left, top+pad, right-left, thickness] elif position == 'bottom': bounds = [left, bottom-pad-thickness, right-left, thickness] cbar_axis = fig.add_axes(bounds) # Create the colorbar: with use_style('empyre-image'): if position in ('left', 'right'): cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_axis, orientation='vertical') elif position in ('top', 'bottom'): cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_axis, orientation='horizontal') # Colorbar label if label is not None: cb.set_label(f'{label}') # Set ticks and ticklabels (if specified): if ticks: cb.set_ticks(ticks) if ticklabels: cb.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) # Constrain tick labels (if wanted): if constrain_ticklabels: if position == 'top' or position == 'bottom': t = t[0].set_horizontalalignment('left') t[-1].set_horizontalalignment('right') elif position == 'left' or position == 'right': t = t[0].set_verticalalignment('bottom') t[-1].set_verticalalignment('top') # Set focus back from colorbar to previous axis and return colorbar: return cb