The vis visualization submodule =============================== General empyre.vis docu here! All functions implemented in the subpackages can be accessed directly in the ```` namespace, with the exception of the ``color`` module, whose methods are accessible via ``empyre.vis.colors``. Note that the y-axis of all image plots is flipped in comparison to ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow``, i.e. that the origin is `'lower'` in this case instead of `'upper'`. Please note that 3D plots only work in your Jupyter notebook after first installing and then enabling the corresponding mayavi extension: .. code-block:: bash $ jupyter nbextension install --py mayavi --user $ jupyter nbextension enable mayavi --user --py If you'd like to utilize 3D plots in your Jupyter Notebook or in the Python Interactive Window .. code-block:: Python >>> from mayavi import mlab >>> mlab.init_notebook('x3d') The backend, chosen by the `init_notebook` function can be `ipy` (the default, produces static images in Juypter Notebook and does not work in VSCode), `x3d` (produces interactive plots in Jupyter Noteboo, but seems to not work with VSCode), or `png` (produces png-images, which work in both Jupyter Notebooks and VSCode). For more information and a quick introduction visit the `mayavi tips & tricks section `_. The plot2d module ----------------- .. automodule:: empyre.vis.plot2d :members: :show-inheritance: The decorators module --------------------- .. automodule:: empyre.vis.decorators :members: :show-inheritance: The colors module ----------------- .. automodule:: empyre.vis.colors :members: :show-inheritance: The tools module ---------------- .. automodule:: :members: :show-inheritance: